Emergency Dental Service

When a dental emergency strikes, we can be there to assist!

Emergency Dental Care in Winston Hills

Dental emergencies can be scary and frustrating. Between the pain and treating the injury, finding dental care may seem daunting. At Winston Hills Family Dental Clinic, we offer emergency dental services and care for children, adults, and seniors. Emergency dental care deals with trauma and injury to the teeth and mouth. Mouth and tooth injuries can quickly develop into serious conditions, like infections. Our emergency dentist can treat issues and restore your smile so you can get on with your daily life. If you experience a dental emergency, contact our emergency dentist at Winston Hills Family Dental Clinic as quickly as possible. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to fix the issue. If your injury happens outside of normal business hours, call our after-hours number, and we’ll offer advice to manage the problem and arrange for you to see our dentist as soon as possible.

Common Dental Emergencies

A dental emergency is any dental condition that causes excessive pain, discomfort, or swelling. Oral problems generally worsen the longer you neglect them, so you should seek prompt treatment for any acute dental problem. Dental emergencies can span from mild to severe. Even if there is not much pain, you should still see a dentist to address the issue. Minor dental problems can quickly develop into severe and expensive issues if you don’t get emergency dental service. Common dental emergencies include a cracked tooth, knocked-out tooth, or missing crowns and fillings.

Cracked Tooth

If you have a cracked tooth, the dentist will place a crown or a filling to cover the exposed area.

Knocked-Out Tooth

The dentist may be able to reattach a knocked-out tooth, depending on the tooth's condition.

Missing Crown or Filling

If you have a loose crown or filling, we can replace the fixtures to protect the tooth.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you knock out one of your teeth, the first thing you should do is apply gauze to stop any bleeding. After that, find the knocked-out tooth, rinse the root in warm water, and store it in a jaw of milk. Contact an emergency dentist immediately.
Yes, a loose filling counts as a dental emergency. Losing a filling can expose the underlying tooth surface and tooth pulp to bacteria and plaque. If your filling falls out, your emergency dentist will replace it and seal the hole with dental cement.
Children losing baby teeth is normal, but you should still take your child to an emergency dentist if they lose a tooth from trauma. The physical impact can damage the underlying bone structure.
Some toothaches are benign and will subside after some time. However, a toothache could also be a sign of tooth decay or other oral health problems. If you have a toothache, the safest option is to see a dentist if it does not subside.

Contact an Emergency Dentist Today!

Winston Hills Family Dental Clinic dedicates itself to providing affordable emergency dental services. Contact us online or call (02) 9624 6884 to schedule an appointment!